we are


We are consulting, strategy, solutions and results. Because those who demand information also look for freshness and closeness. We are three communication professionals with a long career in this activity.
Inmaculada Sanseverino
With more than a decade of professional experience and extensive international experience, I dedicate myself to communication, a trade that is at the service of people. Little else can I say; I believe in people, I write by vocation, I am interested in new technologies and I enjoy drawing strategies.
Sonsoles Vázquez
Formed in the off, I gave the jump to the on the babbling of the Internet. I have worked in media, agencies and press offices, enjoying and learning with each new challenge. I follow the new channels closely, which I like to feed with quality content.
Laura Chacón
What was born as a passion for writing -and well written things-, little by little became a vocation for corporate communication. Today, my challenge is to combine the power of communication with new technologies. My tools, digital marketing and all its disciplines.

We are dedicated to transmit the values ​​of your brand

with messages that interest, excite and connect with your audiences. We do it with closeness, discipline, unconditionality, sensitivity and knowledge.
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